Maryska, Registered Donor

Stem Cell Donor Registry

Search for compatible unrelated donor or cord blood unit

Héma-Québec is the organization responsible for the Stem Cell Donor Registry, which includes a list of unrelated donors and Québec’s only Public Cord Blood Bank.

Héma-Québec provides stem cells on a local, national and international basis. Services include the coordination of all of the steps involved in the request for stem cells, from the initial search through to donation.

With more than 10,000 units of banked cord blood and over 60,000 people enrolled in the Stem Cell Donor Registry, Héma-Québec is in an excellent position to meet the needs of transplant centres. Héma-Québec's cord blood units and donors are registered in the global database of World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) under the code ION-6912.

Héma-Québec launched its stem cell operations in 1989 (Red Cross 1989–1998). From 1998 to 2012, it partnered with OneMatch, Canadian Blood Services’ stem cell donor registry. It took over the management of all stem cell–related operations for Québec as of 2013.

For any questions or research requests



Unrelated donors

Public Cord Blood Bank


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