Blood donation and sexual & gender diversity
Key Information on Donations for People Hailing from LGBTQ+ Communities
People hailing from LGBTQ+ communities donate and save lives all the time. We understand, however, that any blood, platelet or plasma donation ban, albeit temporary, can be frustrating. When wanting to save lives, a donation ban is all the more disappointing.
Héma-Québec works with experts in epidemiology and virology, based on scientific evidence and with the authorization from Health Canada, to make blood donation more inclusive.
Since December 4, 2022, we assess blood donation eligibility on individual basis in line with personal behaviours. Changes made by implementing a gender-neutral questionnaire make it easier for more people hailing from LGBTQ+ communities to donate their blood, platelets and plasma.
It may be hard to find the right information on all donations. Below is some key information on donations for people hailing from LGBTQ+ communities, including complementary material.
You may donate blood, platelets and plasma if you meet the other eligibility criteria, except if:
- you have had anal intercourse with a new partner or many partners in the last three months, regardless of your sex or your partner’s sex.
- You may donate three months following the most recent anal intercourse.
Visit the Sexual relations page to learn more about:
- high-risk sexual behaviour;
- blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections (STI);
- pre-exposure (PrEP) and post-exposure (PEP) prophylaxis.
The evidence on which the selection criteria are based changes over time. Héma-Québec therefore periodically reviews the eligibility criteria for donations.
For more information on the announced changes, visit our frequently asked questions page.
Owing to physiological differences that make the distinction between people assigned as male and female at birth, safety measures are applied during a blood donation. These measures have been implemented to prevent risks that may harm the health of those donating blood products.
As a result of implementing gender-neutral questionnaires for blood, plasma and platelet donations, anyone wishing to donate blood products answers the same questions regardless of sex or gender identity. An evaluation by an Héma-Québec medical staff member is no longer required. A fact sheet for trans and non-binary people lays out the risk for donors’ health and is available at blood drives upon request. The sheet is also available to download here.
Note: While transitioning to gender-neutral donation qualification questionnaires for all blood products, Héma-Québec has also begun working on plans to improve its registration processes by making them more inclusive for trans and non-binary individuals, always without compromising security. We are working in close collaboration with research professionals at UQAM to consult LGBTQ+ communities in order to improve the blood donation experience for trans and non-binary individuals.
Héma-Québec has increased its efforts to obtain evidence data and ease qualification criteria for men having sex with men since 2013 without affecting the safety of recipients.
Until now, the data collected have made it possible for Héma-Québec to submit five requests for easing qualification criteria that affected men who had sex with men. Health Canada has accepted these requests upon proving they did not affect the safety of blood products.
Since October 2, 2022: Donation eligibility based on an individual at-risk behaviour evaluation has been implemented (rather than a population-based evaluation). Each person who is sexually active may donate plasma if there has been no anal intercourse with a new partner or multiple partners in the last three months.
Since December 4, 2022: Like plasma donation, eligibility for blood and platelet donations is based on an individualized assessment of risk behaviors rather than on an assessment of targeted groups.
What has been done to make blood product donation more inclusive and accessible to men having sex with men as well as sexual and gender diversity communities was based on evidence data without compromising the safety of blood products.
Héma-Québec has implemented a more inclusive qualification approach and is keen to better understand and improve the donor experience provided to LGBTQ+ communities. Since 2020, it has in part been working with a research team at UQÀM to pinpoint areas of improvement and implement them gradually.
Dr. Marc Germain explains the changes
If you have questions regarding your donation eligibility
Call our Donor Centre at 1-800-847-2525 or email us at