Online evaluation

Free one-hour accredited training

Héma-Québec is accredited by the SOFEDUC and offers one hour of continuous training to each professional who completes reading and viewing of all the elements contained in the package. To validate this training, the learner must fill this online evaluation (in French only). A certificate will be sent to the learner’s email address in the weeks following the training.

Héma-Québec recognizes the invaluable contribution of nursing staff to the success of each tissue donation. Thank you in advance for investing time in this training and implementing this gift of life in your professional practice. Patients that are waiting for a human tissue transplant depend on the generosity of donors and their families to regain their health and life. For their part, families that are coping with the loss of a loved one find comfort in the act of tissue donation, knowing that a part of their loved one lives on in someone else. Ultimately, it is a health professional that makes all the difference by providing the link between a potential donor and Héma-Québec.

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