While giving blood

Collection duration

The blood collection lasts 10 to 90 minutes depending on the type of donation you make.

WHOLE BLOODPLASMA by apheresisRED BLOOD CELLS by apheresisPLATELETS by apheresisWHITE BLOOD CELLS by apheresisCOMBINED DONATION by apheresis
COLLECTION DURATION (approximate)10 min45 min25 min75 min90 min25 à 90 min

Donor safety

The needle used for each blood donation is new, sterile and discarded after use. You cannot contract an illness while giving blood.

Apheresis donation

During an apheresis donation1, an anticoagulant is added to the blood to prevent it from clotting once outside the body.

Depending on the type of donation you make, fluids may also be administered to you during the blood collection.  

PLASMA by apheresisRED BLOOD CELLS  by apheresis PLATELETS by apheresis WHITE BLOOD CELLS by apheresis COMBINED DONATION  by apheresis
An anticoagulant is added to the blood
X  X  XX  X
Fluids are administered to the donor

1 The process of donation by apheresis makes it possible to collect blood components (red blood cells, plasma, platelets and white blood cells) in a selective manner.
2 Applies to plasma donations of more than 500 ml. The fluids ensure optimal comfort through the replacement of lost blood volume.
3 Applies to double red blood cell donations. The fluids ensure optimal comfort through the replacement of lost blood volume.
4 A product is added to the blood that attaches to red blood cells and facilitates their separation from white blood cells.

For any question concerning blood donation: 1 800 847-2525.

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